[Use Case] Engage Cart Abandons

Use Case Description:

Purpose: Engage leads who hesitate at checkout due to [price/complexity/uncertainty]. Target: Visitors viewing [type of content] on [platform/page].

Action: Initiate a conversation to address hesitations and motivate purchase.

Copy, and replace based on your structure, and paste into the relevant Sales Ai categories

Product Description: [Product Name] is a [type of product/course/service] from [Your Company or Product Line Name] that offers [brief description of the product's main features or services]. It includes [resources/training/support] for [intended outcome or benefit for the

Key Features: [List the main features or services]

Unique Offers: [Special offers, rebates, or terms that prospects need to know/may ask about at this point of the funnel]

Keep this section concise. Any longer form supporting information should be uploaded into the knowledge base instead (i.e. guarantees, specific micro-details about the product). The purpose here is to help Maax understand what to reference in its answers.

Last updated