How does it work?

Maax has two core features

Customer AI

Your support team's best friend!

  • Same-day start-up time

  • You feed Maax with relevant documents (SOPs, FAQs, Product Info, Videos, etc.), and it will learn all of the provided information and can start responding to customer inquiries ASAP

Sales AI

Your sales team's best friend!

  • It can take up to 30 days to warm up and optimize itself depending on the volume of traffic it receives

  • You're able to configure:

    • Product -> What you're selling

    • Strategy --> Be empathetic, but make it clear that the deadline for signing up is tomorrow

    • Goal + Goal URL --> Get people to book a call with a salesperson on the specified link

Built like a "persuasive engine", Maax AI will communicate with your prospect in a way that maximizes the chances of the provided goal being met (i.e. booking a call, recovering an abandoned cart).

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